If You Are a Business Owner You Should Be Interested in Quality SEO Content

Have you ever typed in your company name into Google to find out if you are on the first page of the search results? That may have worked but have you ever typed in “keywords” associated with your business and find that you rank on page thirty? That is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in.

Is SEO Important? 

Many business owners ask why SEO is important. In case you haven’t heard, recent algorithm updates from Google have only strengthened the buzz that surrounds creating quality content that is focused on SEO.

Currently, the focus has been shifting toward content creation. If you are simply about cranking out as much content as you can and mention your keywords as many times as possible, it might be time to rethink that strategy.

Search engines can easily detect content that has key terms that are unnecessarily used throughout the content you are publishing. The days of keyword “stuffing” are over. For maximum SEO impact, the best approach is to write high-quality content that users want to read, with keywords appearing naturally within the content, titles, and meta descriptions.

Prior to starting to pump out content for your website or blog, you need to consider who your target audience is. Optimizing your SEO around your target audience is one of the best business decisions you can make.  Finding out what kind of information your audience is interested in will help you select the best keywords to target your audience with and develop content topics.

Quality Content is Key

First, let’s examine how Google describes quality content. According to statements by Google, quality content is original and relevant. At first glance, it is simple but there is a lot more to the puzzle. Google evaluates word count, grammar, accuracy and more.

One of the most important strategies is creating quality content that entices the reader to keep reading or act upon what they are reading is vital.

What Makes Content Engaging?
Content that is engaging is determined by the following elements.

The ability to keep visitors on your website.
The ability to capture the reader’s attention.
The ability to encourage sharing of your content.
The ability to keep visitors on your website.
The ability to make visitors return to your site.

So how do you create content that is engaging? Always thinking about your audience is the answer.
Knowing and engaging your readers is critical to your ranking. Every article should have a purpose, such as solving a problem, answering a question, or offering a new idea.

Your Target Audience

Who is reading your content?
Why will they care about the content?
Is the topic being discussed?
Is the information being written in a unique and fresh way?
Have you provided enough information?

Including pictures, infographics, and videos is a great way to create engaging content. If you don’t include the engaging elements, you may want to consider starting.

Most published content is intended to generate sales and leads. To effectively do this, your content must engage your customers. You can do this by including statistics, something thought-provoking, and humorous to get your audience involved.

The most valuable thing you can do for your business is to write for your customers, not solely focus on keywords. 

Content Expertise

Ask yourself the following questions when presenting content.

Would you trust the information presented in the article? Make sure you are only presenting things that are true. This can be done by linking to reputable external and internal sources, or by comprehensively explaining your position.

Does your content contain insightful analysis or interesting information? Many low-ranking sites try to rank by using keywords and irrelevant content. Avoid fluffing by simply restating what is obvious that is not helpful to readers or fails to stand out from other sites.

Is the article written by an expert or enthusiast who is familiar with the topic? Show your expertise! However, you must write at a level your audience will understand.

Are the articles short or lacking helpful information?

Does your content present a comprehensive description of the topic? 

Having a complete description of your information helps people efficiently find answers which is a huge marker of quality content.

Does your content provide a substantial value compared to other pages in search results? Compare your content to other search results and don’t follow the same approach as everyone else.

Edit, edit, edit! Taking time to edit reflects high quality content.

Remember, consistency is key. To keep your audience engaged and to identify new prospects, you must consistently post quality content.

Creating quality content takes time, but well worth having people to repeatedly return to your website.

For help creating quality content on your site, please visit www.kymsfreelancewriting.com.
